Home Cleaning Hacks to Make your Life Easier - Modern Group

Home Cleaning Hacks to Make your Life Easier

16 Nov 2023

Home Cleaning Hacks to Make your Life Easier

The current state of the world commands a whole new level of hygiene and cleanliness. We all want to keep our families safe and be able to enjoy our homes, especially now that we are all spending more time there. Keeping up with kids or even just yourself can be time consuming and feel like a never ending chore, but these handy hacks should make life just a little bit shinier.

 Keep your Kitchen Lemon Fresh

Ever walked into your kitchen and been greeted by a not so nice smell? This might be an indicator it’s time to turn your attention to your sinks and drains. The good news is, often it’s an easy fix.

Remember the volcanos we all made in junior school science classes? Well the combination of vinegar and baking does more than create a simulated volcanic eruption.. it also does a fantastic job of cleaning and disinfecting!

This duo will easily cut through grease and grime and have your drains looking and smelling like new. A bonus tip for after you have done this, slice a lemon and put them in the garbage disposal, not only will it smell amazing it will work better too!

Get your Bathroom Shining

Apparently, you’ve got to get messy to get clean! Bathroom’s can be a particularly tricky room to master when it comes to getting them spotless. There are lots of taps and surfaces to contend with and can be a breeding ground for bacteria.

To get into all the nooks and cranny’s of your bathroom, use chopsticks! Wrap your cloth or wipe around the chopsticks and guide it around any hard to reach areas.

To bring any tap wear back to life, remove hard water stains with ½ a lemon. Give taps and showerheads a wipe down with a microfiber cloth and then rub the lemon over the surfaces then rise and buff!

Sleep Easy on a Fresh Mattress

If your mattress looks or smells a little worse for wear, simply sprinkle some baking soda over your mattress and allow it to settle. Gently rub it into the mattress and let it sit for around an hour. After the hour is up, give it a good vacuum. Not only will this deodorize the matters it will also help kill any bad bacteria. A bonus tip after this is to add a few drops of your favourite essential oil when you are finished!

Clean Plantation Shutters and Louvers with time to spare

Luckily, plantation shutters will only need a quick clean once ever few months. To make this job even easier than it already is, take a thick sponge and carefully cut slices into it that line up with the space in between each slate.Then, gently rub your sponge over your shutters, cleaning multiple slates at a time.

Note: It is important to always spot check a small surface before trying out new cleaning products.

We hope some of these quick hacks will save you time on your next cleaning day!




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